Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Me!

We're enjoying our last few days of summer. Everyone's playing Lego's in the living room - most still in pajamas.  Since we were in Colorado for most of the past two weeks, the fridge is almost totally empty, so what I really need to do is get in gear and make a meal plan and grocery list. 

But what I really want to do is stay in my pajamas and blog. 

Oh, and by the way, 13 years ago, today, Mike and I got married.  I was 36 and he was 38.  I sooo wanted to be a wife and mom, but wasn't quite sure it would ever happen.  Now look at us 13 years later!

Since it's a special day for me, maybe I can justify just a little more time drinking coffee and reading blogs.

Here's a link to an important blog post by one of my favorite adoption bloggers - Tonggu Momma.  I love her because she's funny and she types with a Southern accent.  But most of all, I love her because she balances her affection for her beautiful adopted daughters with realism about some of the harder aspects of adoption.  Tonggu Momma has decided to speak out - not only for adoptive parents - but also for adult adoptees and first moms.  Click on the link above to read what she shared about adoption with the ladies from her church at the baby shower for her newly adopted daughter.

And if you're dropping by for the first time in a while, I actually wrote 7 new blog posts during July.  I'm officially back.  You don't want to miss, "Off to a Shaky Start at Kids Camp."  Take a look and catch up!


  1. Welcome back! I, for one, hang on your every word. :) Happy anniversary. Didn't realize you were an "older" mom. Well, you know what I mean.

  2. Yes Jennifer, I'm doing the "old mom" thing. That would be a great topic for a post some day. A lot of my friends already have grandkids.
