Saturday, June 9, 2012

Blogaholics Anonymous

Old photos of my girls that never made it onto the blog.  Sweet memories!

I'm a blog addict, an information junkie. I read decorating blogs, home organization blogs, adoption blogs, political blogs - anything that makes me learn or think or laugh or grow. Here's a smattering of posts I've enjoyed lately. Disclaimer: By posting these links, I'm not saying I endorse all the views expressed; but I am saying they made me think. And some of them are just for fun!

Realistic Expectations:  Attachment - A great overview of post-adoption attachment problems that kids adopted internationally (specifically, from China) may experience. 

18 Summers.  How Many Do You Have Left? - perspective on summer with our kids from one of my favorite bloggers.

Regan Baker Design - This is a typical post from my favorite interior design blog.  You can count on House of Turquoise for gorgeous, inspiring photos every time.

7 Simple Ways to Help a Friend Move - Friends moving away is one of those unavoidable sad parts of life.  Here are some great tips on how to help when it happens.

Date Night - Plan B - I inserted this link 12 hours after I published this post.  It's too good to wait until next week.  This story illustrates how parenting a child with a background of trauma differs from parenting your average child.

Thanks to everyone who "liked" Death by Great Wall on Facebook so far.  If you haven't visited our new page yet, click here.


  1. Your new look is fabulous. And you have catapulted to the top of my blog list. I love what you are doing here. But I must really speak to you about these blogahaolic posts. Because, you see, I am one too. And i am spending even more time following! One post I visited and had to leave two comments because I was so intrigued by the subject. Of course, I'm kidding. Thank you for the wonderful links and great reads. Also, thanks for the shout out last week. I was honored.

  2. Oh Jennifer, you have written many "blogaholics anonymous" worthy posts! Thanks for the encouragement.


    Here is the link for all of the "Realistic Expectations" articles by LWB! Pass it on! :-)

  4. Thanks so much for the link. I just read the whole series. I love how she helps us see things from the adopted Chinese child's perspective -- something that does not come easy to us as Americans.
