Saturday, June 30, 2012

Blogaholics Anonymous . . . and Nathan Update!

This week, the blogaholic in me found lots of great new adoption reads to share with you. They're all short and sweet and so worth your time.

Twelve - What's an appropriate gift to take when you meet your new daughter for the first time? Especially when she's twelve.  Read one adoptive mom's musings in Walmart on the night before she travels to Ethiopia to adopt two older children.  What do you take for the twelve year old?

Progress - How do you get rid of all the negative behaviors in a way that fosters deep connection to your adopted child?  What's the right kind of discipline?

"Maternity" Photo Session - One couple's cute photos commemorating the wait to bring their adopted child home.

Overthinking Fundraising - What do you think about fundraising for adoption?  Is it something you would try?  Is it the right thing to do? This blogger shares her perspective on adoption fundraising.  You can even leave a link to your own fundraiser at the end of her post.

Tonight is a big night at our house because it's the night that . . . (dramatic pause) . . . NATHAN COMES HOME!  We did it. . .ummm, I mean. . . He did it!  He made it through the whole week!

Yesterday I got a new photo from camp.

Now that's more like it.  If I'm not mistaken, that's a real smile on Nathan's face.

Bring it on -- stinky laundry and all.  I can't wait to meet that bus tonight!

Enjoy your holiday weekend.


  1. Honored by your sharing my over thinking. Thanks so much!

    1. Kelly - I just found your blog this week and enjoyed looking around. I really like your blog design too!

  2. Dana, because you are so awesome, I follow Can I make a tiny suggestion? Can you set your links to open in new windows? That way I can refer back to your blog more easily and keep the tabs open. I won't tell you how many tabs are open on my browser right this very minute....

  3. Open to all suggestions. Can you tell me how to do that on Blogger?

  4. When I put in a link, I believe it gives the option of opening in a new window. Just make sure the box is checked. Not sure if there are different versions of blogger as I know it wasn't clear to me how to do this before but now it pops up when I enter a link.


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