Tuesday, February 5, 2013

So You're Adopting from China . . .

If I could sit down and have coffee with you today, the first thing I'd tell you is, "Congratulations!"

Then, I'd give you a big hug,and we'd ooh and aah over the photo of your new child.  I'd listen to your story and eventually, I'd share lots of stories of my own.

I'd become your biggest cheerleader.

So if you're adopting from China, I'm glad you're here. Grab a cup of coffee, and spend some time reading these posts that I wrote especially for people just like you. Leave a comment somewhere, and tell me about your own journey. I'd love to meet you in person, but really, this is the next best thing.

Ten Things to Do While You Wait - using the wait to get ahead of the game.

Nine Things I'm Glad We Took to China - packing with attachment in mind

How Did You Get a Boy From China? - the updated truth about China adoption and boys

Keeping His Chinese Name - our unconventional choice; well, really it was his choice

He DID NOT Just Say That! - handling the inappropriate things people say to adopted kids

When Fear Looks Like Disobedience - a new paradigm for viewing your child's behavior

Are you part of a message board or online adoption forum? Would you be willing to post this link so more families can join in the discussion? Thanks! You're the greatest!


  1. We have LOA on two precious girls from China, one is six and one is nearly seven. We are hoping to travel in April. I've opened all your links, and guess what I'm doing this afternoon? (smile) I'll share your link on on my DTC group. Thanks.

    1. Randi, Thank you so much and a big "Congratulation" on your new daughters from China! Keep me posted.

  2. Thanks so much for your amazing blog! We are waiting for LOA any day now for our daughter who will turn 11 at the end of February. I have not found much information out there on international older child adoption, so I love to read the blog posts of those who have BTDT! What a blessing you are to us!

    1. Laurel - I'm so glad you found Death by Great Wall and hope you'll pass the site on to other "older child adoption" friends. How exciting about your new daughter. Keep in touch!


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