Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm Bouncing Off the Walls!

Look what I got this morning!
I asked for new photos of Joseph and updated measurements. The photos and medical info that we've been looking at for almost a year are about 2 years old.

Joseph is now 48 inches tall and weighs 46 pounds. If you compare him to an American child (who is not in institutional care), he is in the 33rd percentile for height and the 17th percentile for weight. That's about what I expected, although I hope to fatten him up a little when he comes home. My best frame of reference is that he's about Little Miss's (age 6) size.

Let the shopping begin! Joseph will come to us with only the clothes on his back, so we'll need to build his wardrobe - socks, underwear, p.j.'s, swimsuit, shirts, shorts and pants - starting from scratch.


  1. He looks much happier in this photo.

  2. what a cutie! I know that you're excited!

  3. He does look happy! Do you know if this is in the orphanage? Our updated pics are all in the lobby of the orphanage. so nice to see how much they've grown

  4. Chris - my assumption is that it is the orphanage. Of course I wonder if this is his room -- or a "staged" room where they take photos. I suspect the latter. But he does look happier and has grown so much!

  5. Awww! That's a nice picture. Just makes me want to squeeze him!

  6. Just one glimpse makes all the work it's taken to get to this point SO worth it, doesn't it!?! We're so happy for you guys!!!

  7. Hmmm... I am going thru Sam's closet tomorrow and I will save all of my size 6's for Joseph! How exciting!!!

  8. Thanks Hallie - I bought some size 5/6 athletic pants for him on sale at Children's Place the other day. Came home and tried them on Katherine and they seemed about right. Adjustable waist should help also!

  9. He's precious. I"m so glad that you are receiving photos.


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