Friday, July 2, 2010

Creating Community in my ACTUAL World

So many of my needs in preparing for the adoption have been met by other adoptive parents online. The Internet has given me access to a world of information. But there's a trade off. By spending lots of time at the computer, am I losing time that could be spent with ACTUAL as opposed to VIRTUAL friends? The kind of friends that could really come to my rescue if Joseph comes home and everything falls apart and Mike is out of the country?

As we near the day we actually meet Joseph and bring him home, I think my biggest fear is being isolated. What if this is incredibly hard and I need help? All of my family is far away. I go to a very very small church with only one other family with young children.

There are amazing moms at my kids' non-traditional school. We all homeschool 2-3 days/week. I'm energized by spending time with these smart, godly, committed women, but most of them live sooo far away. Often we drive for almost an hour to attend a classmate's birthday party. An hour! For a kids birthday party! And because we all homeschool, there's not a lot of time for hanging out, going to lunch, playing bridge. . . hmm. . .does anyone actually play bridge anymore? Well, you know what I mean..

One of my favorite authors, Sally Clarkson, talks about a woman's need for community in this post. I agree that community is a real need, I'm just not sure how to create this in my world.

(I just corrected the link to Sally's article.  Sorry to anyone who tried to go there earlier and ended up confused.)


  1. I actually found some real friends through my on-line friends...once you start saying where you realize people are close by.

  2. I asked the question this week, "What did mom's do before Facebook and Blogger -- housework maybe?" One of my friends mentioned that lots of stay at home moms used to watch soap operas. Yuck! At least my virtual world is giving me useful info and encouragement.

  3. Oops - my soap opera comment sounds too harsh! If you happen to like soap operas, sorry for the "Yuck" remark. If you could see how many articles I read online each day, you'd probably say, "yuck" back to me.


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